
Fallout 4 playable races
Fallout 4 playable races

  • +50% damage resistance, +100% poison resistance and +100% rad resistance.
  • Hit Points: 0 + Strength + 2x Endurance (multiplayer) or 30 + Strength + 2x Endurance (single player).
  • Forbidden traits: Fast Metabolism, Good Natured, Chem Reliant, Chem Resistant, Night Person, Skilled, Gifted.
  • Humanoid robot traits: Tight Nuts, EMP Shielding, Targeting Computer, Beta Software.
  • They can also equip fist weapons such as the power fist. However, they can disarm traps, throw grenades, use lockpicks, and heal themselves by holding a medical kit and using the First Aid or Doctor skills.
  • Cannot use guns, melee weapons, traps, any armor, or medical kits.
  • 3% bonus damage, +15% damage resistance and +10% rad resistance.
  • Hit Points: 30 + Strength + 2x Endurance.
  • fallout 4 playable races

    Deathclaw perks: Brutish Hulk, Talon of Fear, Hide of Scars, Death Sense.Forbidden traits: Fast Shot, Good Natured.Cannot use Small Guns or human armor, but have mutant armor instead.

    fallout 4 playable races

    6% bonus damage, +25% damage resistance, +20% rad resistance and +20% poison resistance.Hit Points: 25 + Strength + 2x Endurance.Super mutant perks: Steady Arm, Tough Hide, Psychotic.Super mutant traits: Vat Skin, Ham Fisted.However, the "Gain Strength" trait can give them a functional Strength level beyond 8 (for purposes of ranged weapons), and will allow them to wield Browning M2 guns. Power armor or the "Gain Strength" perk will not increase a ghoul's Strength beyond a maximum of level 8, meaning that they cannot wield Browning M2 guns.Ghouls can wear only ghoul armor, superior ghoul armor, environmental armor, environmental armor Mark II, power armor and advanced power armor.Ghouls start the game with +2 Attribute points.+10% poison resistance and +40% rad resistance.Hit Points: 10 + Strength + 2x Endurance.Ghoul perks: Cancerous Growth, Bonsai, Rad Child.Forbidden traits: Fast Metabolism, Bruiser, Heavy Handed.Ghoul traits: Glowing One, Tech Wizard, Fear the Reaper.Hit Points: 15 + Strength + 2x Endurance.Enemy 'humans' such as raiders, tribals and the like, are actually internally represented by a separate race, although the statistics and traits are the same.

    fallout 4 playable races fallout 4 playable races

    The race of all humans in the Brotherhood of Steel.

    Fallout 4 playable races